What’s new ?

ISPGHAN activities 2020-2021

Big leap Forward

  • ISPGHAN Website has been updated with lot of features
  • Membership process entirely automated with document saving facility
  • Fellowship process – candidate registration to certificate issuance
  • Totally paperless facility
  • 11 learning modules with automated tests & Certificate issuance

Our Own App in playstore

  • Easy access teaching modules
  • Fellowship teaching rounds
  • Society Election
  • Survey and quiz

Fellowship & Teaching

  • We have total of 6 centers’ running ISPGHAN fellowship course across India
  • One more new addition is  Institute of Child Health, Kolkata
  • Rota has been made so that there is teaching every alternate Thursdays 8 pm. One centre doest it every month. Successfully running for last 1 yr – Big thanks to Dr Malathi

Our Journal

  • New design
  • More article
  • regular Issues – despite covid
  • Sponsors  for 4 issues.
  • Thanks to Dr Shirish & Team

ISPGHAN Practice guidelines

  • Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) and the Gastrointestinal System in Children
  • Therapeutic Enteral Formulas in Children
  • Guidelines on Diagnosis and Management of Cow’s Milk Protein Allergy
  • Diagnosis and Management of Gastro-esophageal Reflux Disease in Children: Recommendations of Pediatric Gastroenterology Chapter of Indian Academy of Pediatrics, Indian Society of Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition (ISPGHAN)

Self Learning – Modules

  • 11 learning modules
  • Free for ISPGHAN members- others paid
  • Learning, post – test & Certificate issuance
  • we have sponsors for 2 of the modules

New Award to encourage publication

Sankaranarayanan, Raju, Sathiyasekaran (SRS)Raising Star Award

  • Best published paper in previous 2 years
  • Gastro & Liver – 1award each
  • Plaque for mentee & Mentor, 10 k cash prize to mentee
  • Objective standardized marking system (Available in website)

Certificate course in “Basic paediatric nutrition course”

  • online modules dieticians and practitioners to create a common knowledge base.
  • 18 modules with  post tests
  • total study time of 25 hrs – basics
  • Course fees need to be paid

On behalf of EB of ISPGHAN 2020-21

Dr Naresh Shanmugam

Dr John Matthai