GBM Document


President : Dr Neelam Mohan, Secretary : Dr. Shrish Bhatnagar, Treasurer : Dr Vishnu Biradar

1. Welcome by the President – Dr. Neelam Mohan.

2. A minute silence was observed for Dr RK Gupta.

3. Review of the minutes of Last GBM held on 8th October 2022 at Jaipur- Passed

4. Midterm Monothematic conference: Report by Dr Aathira R was presented; around 40 faculty attended and was appreciated by all .

5. Literature Fest: Report by Dr Bhaswati Acharyya by was presented. 34 faculties attended and were appreciated by all. Dr Malathi raised an issue that activities like Literature fest need seed money from ISPGHAN as it is difficult to organize such pure academic events. It was suggested that for any
such requirement the organizing committee should beforehand write to OB. Dr Neelam informed that seed money was given to organizing team of ISPGHAN con 22.

6. Programs conducted for Paediatricians in India – update by Dr. Neelam Mohan ; since it was already presented in the executive report during inauguration hence it was skipped (annexure 1)


  • Progress in the fellowship program – Dr Neelam Mohan informed that we have total of 7 centers’ running ISPGHAN fellowship course with 9 candidates Per Year. Online Teaching every alternate Thursdays 9 pm. One centre per month. Introduction of the concept of Guest Faculty in every teaching . Efforts of all Guest faculty , Dr Malathi and the mentors were appreciated.

Exit Exam:
Medanta Medicity , Gurgoan on 14th and 15th September 2022. Dr Vani Narayani K from KKCTH stood first
KKCTH , Chennai on 15th and 16th September 2023. Dr Sharath Manya from KKCTH stood first

  • Call for new centres and Revision of Fellowship Guidelines The Executive Board members discussed the matter related to point b and appointed a core
    committee by the Name of “ISPGHAN Fellowship Program Coordination Committee (IFPCC)” for the same. Dr Neelam Mohan (Chairperson of Committee ) Dr Nishant Wadhwa (Coordinator ISPGHAN Fellowship Program & Convener of Committee ) Dr John Matthai (Member), Dr Sadhna Lal
    (Member), Dr Rohan Malik (Member)

Committee Recommendation: “In light of the changed scenario with respect to the speciality of Paediatric Gastroenterology & Hepatology training programs in India since the inception of the ISPGHAN fellowship, the president has constituted a committee to revamp the objectives, criteria and curriculum of the fellowship. Hence no new centres are being accredited till the necessary modifications have been made and approved by the GBM.”

  • Dr Sadhna Lal said that stringent criteria should be laid down for starting of new centers
  • Suggestion were made by Dr Seema Alam ; Dr Anupam Sibal ; Dr Sadhna Lal to include seniors in the committee and review both the selection criteria for students ; the curriculum of fellowship and also the pattern of exit exam so that uniformity can be brought across all centers.
  • It was suggested that such committee should be given a timeline to give there suggestion
    and also implementation of those suggestions.

8. Membership Strength Update: by Dr Shrish Bhatnagar, Secretary ISPGHAN Total 405 members (359 Life ; 40 Associate ; 6 Affiliate Foreign);  embership process entirely automated with document saving facility.

9. E-Journal (APGH): Presentation by Dr Lalit Bharadia, Editor in Chief, APGH. It was apprised that regular issues are being released. Jaypee publishers have been entrusted to do the job of journal designing and hosting it on website. Moreover the process of indexing is on and soon the journal
will be indexed. However the difficulties in getting contribution from members were expressed. Dr Neelam Mohan suggested that all students should submit at least one articles during their tenure for publication in journal which was accepted by all mentors . Dr Lalit expressed the need to rotate
and expand the editorial board ; for which it was decided to invite applications for editorial board from ISPGHAN members

10. Update on website of ISPGHAN : By Dr Vishnu Biradar, Treasurer ISPGHAN ; the website is functioning well with regular updates being done by Websoft IT Team.

11. Registration renewal of the Society: Dr Jagadeesh Menon V R, Joint Treasurer ISPGHAN to present the progress. It was updated that it is still in process. Dr S K Yaccha , Dr John Matthai and expressed serious concerns on this aspect and it was decided that Dr. Naresh Shanmugam ; Dr Srinivas , Dr Vishwanathan , Dr Jagadeesh Menon will work together and get registration done as soon as possible

12. Finance related matters and Audit report of ISPGHAN And Process of handover of accounts in view of starting of Online Transaction was presented by Dr Vishnu Biradar, Treasurer ISPGHAN As on 30 Sept 2023 Bank IOB 16,06,951.29 ICICI 8,46,666 FD Total 47,19,918 Grand Total 71,73,535.29 We have savings account balance of 24,53,617.29 (Twenty Four Lakh Fifty Three Thousand Six hundred Seventeen rupees and twenty nine paisa) We have 9 fixed deposits in two banks – total deposit amounts 47,19,918. (Forty seven lakh nineteen thousand nine hundred eighteen rupees)

13. Proposal for Forthcoming meeting /Conference of ISPGHAN with date, venue & theme :

  •  Annual meeting of ISPGHAN 2024 : Dr Rohan and Dr Neelam Mohan New Delhi
  •  Annual meeting of ISPGHAN for 2025 : Dr Vishnu (Pune )
  •  Midterm meetings 2024: Dr Ishaq Malik (to be confirmed )
  •  Literature fest 2024 : Dr Priyanka Udawat at Mumbai
  •  Dr Seema Alam informed the house that ILBS will holding CSPLD 24 in association with ISPGHAN in March 2024

14. ANY OTHER MATTER : pressing agenda by the permission of the President ISPGHAN

  1.  Revision of membership criteria – Dr Vishnu Biradar It was discussed by among all members however as pointed out by Dr John Matthai and Dr
    SK Yaccha that since the membership criteria is already mentioned in constitution it will not be possible to change it. It was agreed by all members that any person standing for the Post of OB in ISPGHAN should have an official training of at least 1year in Pediatric Gastroenterology (DM/Fellowship/PDCC/SR) apart from the other conditions laid down. The following point need to incorporated in the constitution after renewal of society registration has been completed.
  2. Aim for office space in one city at least either rented or buy? – Dr Vishnu Biradar This was agreed upon by all and possibility to work out way for it.
  3. Dr Naresh raised a query that what initiatives has ISPGHAN taken in last 2 years with the financial amount it has in its bank .
  4. All the members were informed that in last 2 years ISPGHAN has conducted significant activities involving financial transaction
  • Contract with Jaypee publications for printing and indexing of journal
  • Conducted fellowship exams with 2 external examiners in Chennai and Gurgaon
  • Started SKY oration and SRS award ;
  • Online teaching through zoom platform ;
  • Midterm conference at Mysore was conducted under ISPGHAN banner and through PAN account. This is the first time that any national conference of ISPGHAN was directly conducted through ISPGHAN account. Offering popular women’s necklaces such as pendants, chokers and. Shop for jewelry in a variety of metals and gemstones to suit any occasion.
  • Online transaction process of ICICI bank for quick dispersal of payments.


Dr Vishnu’s effort in disposal of financial matters was appreciated by all.
5.  Dr Laxman asked that what the criterion for choosing faculty in ISPGHAN conference is. Dr Neelam Mohan responded that at least a person trained in Ped gastro should have attended 3 National conferences for being considered as faculty. However a person who has done DM in pediatric gastroenterology and has significant experience in particular field may be invited as faculty even if he/she hasn’t attended 3 national conferences. In addition Dr Seema added proposed faculty should have enough experience and competency in the topic and the scientific committee should be convinced that proposed speaker has experience/work/ publication in the said topic

6. Also it was decided that all those who present Oral papers in award categories ( CP Mittal/Plenary Gastro/Hepato ; SRS award) will be entitled to free hotel accommodation in future annual conference

15. Vote of Thanks – Dr Shrish Bhatnagar


Check Executives Report here


Dr. Neelam Mohan                                                                                                                                        Dr. Shrish Bhatnagar

President                                                                                                                                                                Secretary

ISPGHAN 2022-23                                                                                                                                              ISPGHAN 2022-23



1.  Dates of GBM :

Change of last date can be held upto 30th November

It was suggested that the last date for holding the GBM should be kept as 30th December of every year.  This has to be notified to registrar of the society within one month of the meeting

2.  2023 Meetings:

  • Mid term Monothematic conference: Dr Aathira R has expressed to host it in Theme and venue to be deicide .

Dr Nagendra on behalf of Dr Aithra informed that it would be held in the association with IAP Mysuru; Topic and dates need to be finalised .

  • Literature Fest 2022 :
  • Literature fest 2022 was a very

well conducted event at Chennai by Dr Somashekara HR, Dr Joy Varghese , Dr Malathi and on 21st and 22nd August 2022. Effort Appreciated by GBM

Literature fest (2023): Interest has been expressed by Kolkatta (Dr Bhaswthi C Acharyya ) and Mumbai (Dr Priyanka Udawat ).

Awarded to Dr (Dr Bhaswthi C Acharyya ) to be hosted in month of July end or August

Mid Term monothematic  meeting to be hosted by Dr Seema Alam (ILBS) on Infatile Cholestasis in March 2023

  • Progress of the 2023 annual conference at Hyderabad

Dr Prasanth Bachina presented about the progress, organizing committee, dates venue and registration amounts. Dates suggested were 27-29 October 2023 at Park Hyatt.

Timing of Conference: mid-end September or mid November, avoidi g  the soaring costs and inconvenience in the festive season and clash with International Conferences suggested by Dr Moinak was discussed and in principal agreed . So new dates were suggested i.e. 17-19 November 2023

3. Bid for the 2024 Annual Conference of ISPGHAN :

2 applications received

  • Lucknowà Moinak Sen Sarma
  • Delhi à Neelam Mohan, Dr. Rohan Malik

Lucknow was awarded to Host the Conference in 2024 and Delhi 2025


  • Call for new centers:
  • Fellowship Guidelines:

Agenda to be taken up at EB Meeting and modalities finalised

5.  Membership Strength Update:

by Dr Shrish Bhatnagar, Secretary ISPGHAN

  • Total 349 members (307 Life ; 37 Associate ; 5 Affiliate Foreign)
  • Last 10 months : 42 new members (35 Life members ; 7 Associate)

6.  E-Journal (APGH):

Presentation by Dr Lalit Bharadia, Editor in Chief, APGH.

Associated with Jaypee Journal for  publication and process of indexing has started .

The efforts of all were recognized and appreciated

7. Update on website and Mobile App of ISPGHAN :

By Dr Vishnu Biradar (in his absentia)

Dr Shrish Bhatnagar informed that the work is going on with new vendor for updating the website and app

8.  FISPGHAN Award

  • Increase in Number to 2 per year
  • ISPGHAN fellows to use designation : FPGH (India ) Both were agreed upon


The change to Oration was accepted

Title: Dr SK Yachha Oration

Rs. 5.0 lacs will be deposited with ISPGHAN

(2.0 lacs from students and 3.0 lacs from Dr. SK Yachha)


  • Applicant’s age should be less than 55
  • Should be a Life member of ISPGHAN
  • Should be working within
  • The awardee should have outstanding career: will be decided by ISPGHAN on the basis of publications in PubMed, honors, awards, development / contribution in the field of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Hepatology.
  • Should be an Annual
  • The oration should consist of a) Cash/ cheque award as decided by ISPGHAN along with
  1. b) Printed certificate and c) a Plaque of high

Oration should be of 30 minutes duration to be presented in Annual conference of ISPGHAN

9b. SRS Rising Star award :

SRS Rising Star Award and its modalities were finalized and approved in the ONLINE GBM held on 21/11/2021 thus it will continue to stand. The executive committee expressed its view that since Dr VSS name is already a part of oration (MMS Oration); a change in the name may be revisited. However the discussion remained inconclusive

However as per suggestions and discussion made by Dr S K Yachha, Dr Mittal and Dr Mathai hence forth in future for starting or naming of the award it should be done after due approval by 5-6 member committee comprising of external experts who would scrutinize CV and their contributions to ISPGHAN and the purpose of the award. Such process should be followed by for every award/oration in future if and when it has to introduced

Minimum amount of 5 lac should be kept for starting the Award ; Dr Mittal suggested that this amount should be based and revaluated at intervals of time depending upon interest amount  the inflation rate and FD

Dr Mittal suggested that who every is chosen for Oration his travel and expenses should be borne by the Society within the amount generated by the interest of the FD


10. MOU of ISPGHAN and IAP for articipation in activities.

This matter has to be taken up in EB and modalities to be finalised

11.  Registration renewal of the Society:

Dr Jagadeesh Menon V R , and Dr Srinivas are working on it and some documents are pending from ISPGHAN office which will be provided soon

12.  Progress of IAP Gastro Module:

By Dr Neelam Mohan, President ISPGHAN & National Convener of Module informed that

Done at 12 places and another 12 are in pipeline in next 2 months. The content and execution was appreciated by all

13.  Audit report of ISPGHAN and Renewal of Auditor’s appointment:

Opening balance of ISPGHAN including FD was 49,77534.57 on 1st Jan 2022 and presently its is 6271468.58 a net gain of 12,93 ,934 in last 10 months mainly through APGH and Membership money sponsorship amount of APGH and Membership money

14. ANY OTHERS:  pressing agenda by the permission of the President ISPGHAN

  1. Subchapter and Zonal C nferences – Dr Naresh

Hosting any activity locally has become huge problem with tax and GST    Dr Naresh suggested we can have 5 bank account to operate (zone wise) with ISPGHAN PAN card. The zones can generate money and use for hosting and activities an submit the audit report.

The opening of account was considered however the proposition needs to be discussed with auditors and financial experts and detailed guidelines to be drafted on the activity of these accounts before finalising it

  1. Celiac Support Organisation report :

Dr Sushma Narayan. Informed that Dr SK Mittal has voluntary resigned from the post of president CSO and Dr NK Arora has taken up the presidents now on. It was welcomed by the GBM

3.  Academic Module with ISG suggested by Dr Anupam Sibal – Dr Neelam Mohan

The idea was not agreed by GBM . Can only be considered if better proposition are brought for approval

4.  Dr Mittal suggested that decision should be made to fix the amount which has to be transferred to iSPGHAN by the host branch of annual conference from the profits made

5. Dr RK Gupta informed that the ISPGHANcon22 has been held in association with IAP Jaipur however the entire financial matter is with Ped Gastro Chapter Rajasthan

6. Dr Seema Alam and Dr Neelam Mohan proposed that 3 plenary awards should be kept for both gastro and hepato session and which was accepted and was started from Jaipur Conference itself.


Vote of Thanks – Dr Shrish Bhatnagar

The General body meeting of ISPGHAN for the year 2021 was conducted online due to the extraordinary circumstance of COVID 19 Pandemic
Date: 21/11/2021
Time: 8.00 pm to 9.30 pm
Venue: Zoom conference
Attendees: Dr John Mathai, Dr Naresh Shanmugam, Dr Yachha, Dr Malathi, Dr Neelam Mohan, Dr Viswanathan MS, , Dr Jaya Agarwal, Dr Sumathi B, Dr Jagadeesh Menon, Dr Shrish Bhatnagar, Dr.shivani deswal, Dr Geetha M, Dr Ishaq malik, Dr Prasanth Sobhan, Dr Priyanka, Dr ALKA JADHAV, Dr. Vishnu Biradar, Dr R K Gupta, Dr Bikrant Bihari Lal, Dr Rimjhim Shrivastava Dr Aathira R, Dr Anshu Srivastava, Dr bhaswati, Dr Sadhna Lal, Dr Sutapa Ganguly, Dr Subhasish Bhattacharyya

1. The meeting was called to order by Dr John Matthai, the President of ISPGHAN. He chaired the meeting, welcomed the members and requested their active participation in the discussions.

Secretary’s report
Presented by Dr Naresh Shanmugam. Salient points are

  • Membership
    1. Total 304 members with 48 new members in last 2 yrs. Membership process entirely automated with document saving facility
  • ISPGHAN website and learning modules
    1. ISPGHAN Website has been updated with new features.
    2. ISPGHAN Fellowship: The entire process from candidate registration to issue of certificate is now completely online.
    3. 11 learning modules are now available. There is a test at the end of each module and the certificate is issued immediately upon successful completion of the test. Dr Reddy’s Lab has agreed to be the educational partner for 2 modules.
  • ISPGHAN App on play store
    1. An App has been built for easy access to teaching modules, host student teaching rounds, Society Election and conduct Surveys and quiz. The app is presently only for android users for cost considerations. Dr Neelam raised the issue of Mac users and the decision to host it in mac has to be made by the incoming EB depending on assessment of usage of the App.
  • ISPGHAN fellowship
    1. We had 6 centers conducting ISPGHAN fellowship course. The new addition this year is Institute of Child Health, Kolkata under Dr Baswathi.
    2. There is online teaching session every alternate Thursdays at 8 pm and each centre does it every month in turn. Been successfully running for last 1 yr, under the guidance of Dr Malathi
  • PGLJ
    1. Is bigger, with new design, new article layouts and more articles. Brought out all issues this year, despite covid pandemic. A pharma company has come forward to distribute the print version this year to pediatricians all over India. Thanks to Dr Shirish & Editorial Team
  • Practice guidelines published by society in last 2 years in Indian Pediatrics
    1. Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) and the Gastrointestinal System
    2. Therapeutic Enteral Formulas in Children
    3. Guidelines on Diagnosis and Management of Cow’s Milk Protein Allergy
    4. Diagnosis and Management of Gastro-esophageal Reflux Disease
  • ISPGHANcon2019 funds
    1. The ISPGHANcon 2019 organizing committee has transferred all the remaining money to ISPGHAN with a specific request to ear mark specified amounts for the following purposes.
      1. Institute “BMS Rising Star award” for best paper published in a reputed journal the preceding year. Awarded to mentor and mentee. Mentee will receive a cash prize of 10k along with plaque. Mentors will get plaque alone. One prize each will be given for gastroenterology including nutrition and hepatology. Papers would be selected based on standardized marking system to avoid bias. Rs 7 lakhs must be been put in FD towards this. See annexure for rules.
      2. Set aside 5 L Rs towards structuring and executing Nutrition course
  • Meetings
    1. GI masterclass in association with ISG Tamilnadu conducted in Dec 2020.
    2. “Paedgastro simplified” state CME in association with satate IAP.
      1. Jan 2021 – Kerala
      2. Feb 2021 – Odissa and Chattisgarh
      3. March 2021 – West Bengal
    3. ISPGHAN econ 2021 – hosted on 8 & 9th OCT 2021
  • Nutrition module
    1. Certificate course in Paed nutrition to be structured along with dieticians “Basic paediatric nutrition course” online for dieticians and practitioners to create a common knowledge base. 18 modules with post tests. Technology to handle it is built in our website and app. total study time of 25 hrs – basic course. Dr Naresh Shanmugam and Dr Anuja is co-ordinating with doctors and dieticians to structure the course.

The Secretary’s report was unanimously passed.

2. Treasurer’s report

  • Dr Viswanathan presented income and expenditure of the society until Sept 2021 ( attached). Clarifications were sought by a few members, which was replied to. In view of the incoming secretary and treasurer being from different cities, the need for doing online transactions jointly by them was raised. It will have to be discussed with the bank.

The Treasurer’s report was unanimously passed.

3. PGLJ journal

  • Dr Shirish having been elected Secretary has to step down and a new editor needs to be appointed. Dr Neelam suggested that associate editors be given first preference to take up the post of Editor, which was accepted by all. Associate editors tenure would finish by next year and new team needs to be appointed.

4. ISPGHAN fellowship

  • Dr Bhavdaker stepped down as co-ordinator and new coordinator to be appointed by the new EB, which Dr Neelam will do on a priority basis.
  • Dr Malathi will continue as the teaching coordinator
  • Process for accrediting new centers for fellowship course was discussed. All centers to start the course in Sep every year. An inspection is mandatory before a new center is accredited. Existing centers to send in their details to the new coordinator/ Secretary, so that it can be uploaded.
  • The issue of fellowship candidates using “ FISPGHAN” as a formal degree was discussed. FISPGHAN being an honor bestowed by the society to individuals of repute, this has to be stopped. The President will write to the coordinators of all centers directing them to inform all those who have completed the training so far to desist from this practice.


  • First preference will be for Jaipur team followed by Hyderabad. Since neither city were represented at the EB, a formal decision was deferred. Dr Neelam will take forward this discussion with them.


New office bearers for the year 2022& 23 ( two year tenure)
Election was called for by election officer Dr Bhasker Raju and the following office bearers were elected unanimously

  • President : Dr Neelam Mohan ( Delhi)
  • Secretary : Dr Shrish Bhatnagar( Lucknow)
  • Treasurer : Dr Vishnu Biradar
  • Joint Treasurer : Dr Jagdeesh Menon ( Chennai)
  • Executive Board members
  • East : Dr Rimjhim Shrivastava ( Raipur)
  • West : Dr Raj Kumar Gupta (Jaipur)
  • North: Dr Bikrant Bihari Lal( Delhi)
  • Central: Dr Rishi Bolia ( Rishikesh)
  • South zones: Dr Aathira ( Mysore)

7. Senior members applauded the excellent work done by the outgoing team in very difficult circumstances. In particular streamlining of the financial matters came in for appreciation. It was stressed that the new team should ensure that proper procedure be followed in all financial matters. Dr John Matthai and Dr Naresh promised all support and assistance to the incoming team.
The meeting ended with thanks to the chair.


Date 24/09/2020 Time 4.00 pm to 5.30 pm Venue: Zoom conference
The President Dr John Matthai chaired the meeting.
Dr Naresh Shanmugam, Dr Viswanathan MS , Dr Jaya Agarwal, Dr Natwar Parwal & Dr Sumathi B attended.

1. Due to extraordinary circumstances from COVID 19 Pandemic GB cannot be conducted this year. Therefore minutes of this meeting and the next meeting after the conference will be submitted to the Registrar of societies. Following matters were discussed and all resolutions were passed unanimously
Finances of the Society:

  • Dr Viswanathan presented income and expenditure of the society
    until Sept 2020
  • It was resolved that as advised by the auditor, a new bank account
    will be opened in either SBI/ HDFC/ ICICI bank, so that amounts need not be in one account. Fixed deposits should be made leaving a sum of Rs 5 lakhs in the account for regular expenses of the society. Income from all the FDs to be credited into the current account.
  • Previous GB meeting papers have been submitted by Dr Srinivas to
    the auditor for submission to the Registrar of societies with the required fees. It was resolved that this should be done yearly to avoid penalty as has happened now.

2. ISPGHAN Website

  • As the previous vendor could not finish the task, his dues were settled and contract was given to new vendor Technokryon based at Chennai. A
    formal agreement has been signed with them and they have completed the website with online member enrollment facility. It was resolved that we enter into an annual mantainence contract with automatic renewal for the website, unless a change vendor is decided.
  • Facility for E- modules has been set up in the website, for doctors to log in , go through the module, complete the test and receive the certificate on successful completion. Separate payment to technokryon to be made for the backend development of the module. Apart from the work for creating the program, they will do 10 modules with in the scope of their agreement, after which Rs 3000 to be paid for recording of each module.
  • Separate app to be developed, so teaching modules can be taken and election can be conducted smoothly. Dr Reddy’s Lab has promised financial assistance, details of which will be worked out by the secretary.
  • CIPLA would be placing two page advert in our official journal PGLJ
    and also to be given distribution rights of our official journal PGLJ for an year. They would print hard copies and circulate to pediatricians’. company name would be displayed in official website as educational partner as they would provide academic grant.

3. ISPGHANcon 2019
The ISPGHANcon 2019 organizing committee agreed to transfer all the remaining money to ISPGHAN and requested to utilize part of money for specific cause as follows

  • ISPGHANCON2019 team has made a proposal for “ BMS Rising
    Star award” for best paper published in a journal in the preceding year with awards to mentor and mentee( pair). Mentee will receive a cash prize of 10k along with plaque. Mentors will get plaque alone. One for gastro and one for liver has been proposed. Papers would be selected based on standardized marking system. Mentee speaks for 7 minutes and mentor 3 minutes at the annual conference . The money for this purpose should be set apart as an FD from the funds transferred.
  • To set aside 5 L Rs towards executing a nutrition course.

4. Academics
Consensus statement for GERD: IAP and Indian Pediatrics has permitted ISPGHAN to do the preparatory meetings for a consensus statement on GERD as an online meeting and presentation. Dr Neelam Mohan has been appointed as the coordinator in charge.

    1. DELEGATE FEES : registration for people and students for conference and venue (high class/ simple) needs to be discussed. Every year we have this issue of rising cost of organization of meeting and difficulty in finding sponsors vs registration fee. The point was discussed and it is decided that the organizers should make an effort to keep the delegate fees at the lowest possible keeping in mind the expenditure and the fund generated. It is not mandatory to conduct the meeting at a hotel and the auditorium in government/private hospitals may be acceptable provided that the audio visual and other facilities are good. Separate registration for one day for the pediatricians may be allowed. A discussion regarding the use of ISPGHAN PAN card along with GST for the organization of the annual meeting of our society was done however no consensus could be achieved. This point needs opinion from the ISPGHAN account auditor and experts in this area before a decision can be taken.
    2. Date of Annual conference should not clash with any major international conference. Accepted
    3. Mid term conference : what should be the priority? Monothematic preferable It was accepted by all that the mid term conference should be monothematic. The next year conference will be conducted by Dr Neelam Mohan.
    4. ORGANIZER FOR THE 2021 MEETING : Asked for application from interested parties by 10th October 2019.Last year Dr Prashant Bachina had expressed interest for hosting the 2021 meeting in Hyderabad. Annual ISPGHAN meeting for the year 2021will be organized by Dr Prashant Bachina at Hyderabad
    5. PROGRESS AND ISSUES WITH THE 2020 ANNUAL CONFERENCE-ORGANIZING – Dr R K Gupta/Dr Lalit Bharadia/Dr Natwar Parwalto present the progress. The Jaipur team has started working for the Annual conference of 2020.The dates are yet to be fixed and everyone preferred that it should be held in the month of September . The details will be sent by the organizers soon.
    6. Live workshops with demonstration on live patients and hands-on training is recommended or not by ISPGHAN. Live workshops are not recommended by ISPGHAN
    7. To create a post of Scientific Chairperson and nominate a member (for 1 year) who will chalk out the scientific program for the year along with the President/ Secretary General and Organizing secretary of the meeting as part of the committee. It was decided that there is no need for nominating another person for the scientific committee.A team of 4 people i.eScientific chairperson and the organizing secretary of the meeting hosting the conference alongwith the President and secretary of ISPGHAN are good enough to decide the scientific program.
  • ISPGHAN FELLOWSHIP : Detailed agenda to be compiled by coordinator DrAshishBavdekar. Few of the issues being –
    1. What should be upper age limit for application for fellowship? 40 years
    2. Should we invite new centers who want to run fellowship every year or alternate years? Every alternate year and so next invitation will be in the year 2021
    3. Current ISPGHAN fee is Rs 30000/- per student. Is a centre allowed to take separate fee from candidate? Fee is restricted to Rs 30000/-per student. No separate fee should be charged by the centres that are running the ISPGHAN fellowship program..
    4. One year / two-yearfellowship program? One year program was preferred by the majority.
    5. Rules regarding admission e.g students who join one centre and leave and join another centre . Students will not be encouraged to join one centre and thereafter leave and join another centre. A check on this may be maintained by the coordinators of the ISPGHAN fellowship at all centres.
    6. Fine tuning the amended guidelines especially in relation to the method of exit exam. Methods for ensuring a basic minimum training so as to maintain the standard of teaching Fine tuning of the amended guidelines and maintenance of log books has to be sorted out by Dr Ashish Bavdekar along with all centre coordinators. It was felt that a centralised entrance exam will not be possible. A minimum of 80% attendance should be mandatory for all the ISPGHAN fellows to appear for the exit exam. Candidates who fall short of attendance will have to write the exit exam later.
  • E-JOURNAL : Presentation by Dr ShrishBhatnagar.E journal will be completing one year,we need another set of volunteers for year 2021. E journal will be continued till 2022, plan to start the print version of the journal will be decided later. Dr SK Yachha, DrMoinak Sen Sarma, Dr Anurag Tomar, DrBhaswati Acharya and Dr MalathiSathiyasekaran have volunteered for working for the journal as members of the editorial board.
  • NUTRITION COURSE : Decision regarding Nutrition course is still pending needs inputs from Dr Naresh.. Dr Naresh will be sending his inputs in next 3-6 months.
  • ELECTION FOR NEW EXECUTIVE BODY OF ISPGHAN : Results to be given by Dr Seema Alam. Should we specify 5regions and ask for applications for EB members from each region or keep it open as of now.THE NEW ISPGHAN BOARD MEMBERS FOR THE YEAR 2019-2021 OCT have been elected.PRESIDENT : Dr John Matthai. Dr SutapaGanguly expressed her inability to accept the position of president for this term due to personal reasons. Thereafter, Dr John Mathai was elected unanimously.SECRETARY : Dr Shrish Bhatnagar and Dr Naresh Shanmugam have applied for the post of secretary. Later Dr Shirish Bhatnagar withdrew his name and so Dr Naresh Shanmugam is the elected secretary.TREASURER : Dr Vishwanathan MSJOINT TREASURER : Dr Srinivas ShankaranarayanEXECUTIVE BOARD :Dr Jaya Agarwal, Dr Vikrant Sood, Dr Natwar Porwal ,Dr Bhaswati Acharya, Dr Sumathi Bhavanandam
  • ISPGHAN WEBSITE DEVELOPMENT and progress to be presented by Dr Vishnu Biradar The website update was presented by Dr Vishnu and his hard work was appreciated by all. ISPGHAN has to pay for the development of the website.
  • FELLOW ISPGHAN AWARD : rules regarding selection to be formulated. The next ISPGHAN fellow Award can be given only after the society has 300 members
  • SKY ISPGHAN AWARD FOR YOUNG INVESTIGATOR – Presentation by Dr Vishnu Biradar. The SKY ISPGHAN Award for young investigator was accepted by all. The age limit for this award will be 55 years. Rules and regulations for application of this award have to be formulated by a team which will include Dr SK Yachha, Dr Vishnu Biradar alongwith the President and Secretary of ISPGHAN
  • ISPGHAN MEMBERSHIP –  Life and associate membership criteria. DR VISHNU BIRADAR
    1. Should we make them more specific for the new members?
  1. Like only those who have degree, fellowship or one year training in pediatric gastroenterology/hepatolgy in India or abroad.

2. Membership rules for allied health people like dieticians and addition to our constitution which is lacking at present.
3. How to keep members active?

  1. Add concept of credit points by participating in ped gastro meetings
  2. Yearly subscription fees (token amount ~ Rs 100 per year) to remain active member. We can send payment link and take online payment through our new website system. Due to lack of time, this agenda was not discussed adequately. Membership rules for allied health people like dieticians need to be formulated by the ISPGHAN executive board. Yearly subscription fee was not accepted by the members. For other points no consensus was achieved and the matter needs to be discussed in the next GBM.
  • FORMULATION OF NEW ISPGHAN GUIDELINES : Suggestion is to include at least one member from each zone in the consensus meeting. This was accepted.
    1. Two ISPGHAN Guidelines on Milk Formula and CMPA: Dr John Mathai One guideline on special formulations has been accepted by Indian Pediatrics. Other guideline on CMPA is being written and will be submitted soon.
    2. IBD multicentric Data collection- Dr Anshu/ Dr Malathi Data collection is complete and Dr Barath Jagadisan is currently analyzing the data. Thereafter Dr Anshu and Dr Malathi will write the manuscript and complete this work.
    3. PRISM activity : Dr Malathi/ Dr Anshu The details of the various PRISM meetingsis attached at the end..
  • Audit report of ISPGHAN will be presented by Dr Srinivas The audit report could not be presented due to lack of time.It will need to be submitted by Dr Srinivas to all executive board members.
  • ANY OTHERS :  pressing agenda by the permission of the President ISPGHAN Update- The “Pediatric Gastroenterology Literature Fest” was done first time in Nagpur and the second event is scheduled in November 2019 at Raipur. As this is a good educational activity we wish to continue this on an yearly/ every 2 years


ISPGHAN has taken the initiative to organize meetings for the pediatricians to provide updates on important topics in Pediatric Hepatology and Gastroenterology. The Updates are being organised under the name of Pediatric Interest Meet (PRISM).This year 14 meeting were successfully conducted in various places in the country. the list of meetings conducted is given below :

1 23.6.2019 Agra DrLalithBaradia (Lead) DrVidyut Bhatia DrShivaniDeswal 52
2 7.7.2019 Ernakulam Dr Maya Peethambaran (Lead) DrPrashanth K.S. Dr M.S. Viswanathan 60
3 21.7.2019 Delhi Dr. Neelam Mohan (Lead) Dr. SakshiKarkra Dr Vikrant Sood Dr. Vidhyut Bhatia 52
4 28.7.2019 Bhilwara Dr. Raj Kumar Gupta (Lead) Dr. Rishi Bolia Dr. NatwarParwal 45
5 28.7.2019 Vishakapatnam Dr. Nagendra Kumar V.S. (Lead) Dr. UpendraShava Dr. RimjhimShrivastava 55
6 10.8./2019 Varanasi DrBhaswatiAccharya(Lead) Dr Jaya Agarwal 45
7 18.8.2019 MORADABAD Dr. Rajeev Khanna (Lead) Dr Deepak Goyal Dr. SmitaMalhotra 38
8 25.8.2019 Vadodara DrVibhorBorkar (Lead) Dr MoinakSen Dr Somasekhara 33
9 15.9.2019 PATNA Dr. SutapaGanguly (Lead) Dr. BhaswatiAccharya Dr. SrikantPandey Dr. SudipSaha 61
10 15.9.2019 MUMBAI Dr. AabhaNagral (Lead) Dr. YogeshWaikar Dr. Dimple Jain 67
11 9/15/2019 Kanpur Dr. Jaya Agarwal (Lead) Dr. Sumit Singh 56
12 9/26/2019 Noida Dr. Sarath 9810129965 (Lead) Dr. Sumit Singh 7275210460 Dr. Mridul Das 81
13 9/22/2019 Erode DrSumathi (Lead) DrSrinivas DrBarath Kumar 65
14 9/22/2019 TRICHUR Dr. R Bhanu (Lead) Dr. Geetha M 40


  • Fellow ISPGHAN. Prof S K Yachha was unanimously elected as the first fellow of ISPGHAN. The Fellows will be accorded a separate membership number and shall use the title Fellow ISPGHAN. The award of the same will be given in the annual conference in 2019. One fellow may be selected for every 150 members in the society, until the membership of the society reaches 750, after which the general body shall alter this ratio as deemed fit.
  • Formation of Ped-Gastro State chapters etc. Implications, Advantages : It was decided that EB will prepare a set of rules which will be circulated for approval. Keeping in mind the issues related to very small number of ISPGHAN members in some states, it was decided that instead of chapter, we should keep it as a branch of ISPGHAN in order to avoid confusion.
  • ISPGHAN National Annual Conferences :
    1. Delegate Fees : It was decided to keep a ceiling for the upper limit for early bird registration of member to Rs 4000/-, while the same should be Rs 2000-2500/- for students/post-graduates and for allied professionals like dieticians.
    2. Free accommodation for Post-graduates/Presenters : It was decided to provide free shared accommodation for all 16 oral paper / Award paper presenters and only top 20 poster (posters of excellence) presenters.For the other students who will be presenting posters, providing free accommodation was optional depending on the organizers of the meeting. It would be preferable if options for paid accommodation in a decent, safe place near the venue are given by the organizing committee for other students.
    3. Using PAN card of ISPGHAN for annual national conference : General body deliberated at length on this issue and it was decided that the ISPGHAN pan card will not be used for the organization of the annual meetings at this time.
    4. Scientific Committee : “The scientific committee of all ISPGHAN conferences and meetings shall consist of the conference organizing secretary and one member of the local organizing committee, President or Secretary, PLUS two members of ISPGHAN (chosen for a two year term during an annual conference)”. Hence it was decided that 2 volunteers can be chosen by the organizing team of 2019 meeting for the scientific committee who should have a say in the decision matters of the annual meeting.
    5. Venue and organizing team for 2019 & 2020 conference :
      2019 Conference : Dr. Naresh Shanmugam gave a presentation for the next years’ conference at Chennai on 18-20th October (tentative, dates to be finalized soon). He will be the Organizing Secretary and Dr. Malathi Sathiyasekaran will be the Organizing Chairperson. It was suggested by Prof Yachha to keep Prof Mohd Rela as Patron for the event, and there should be a judicial participation of national and international faculty in the event, so that the national members should not feel sidelined. This was unanimously approved provided.
      2020 Conference : Dr. Lalit Bharadia gave a presentation and gave a proposal to have the conference in 2020 at Jaipur. Organizing Chairperson will be Dr. R. K. Gupta and Organizing Secretary will be Dr. Lalit Bharadia. This was unanimously approved provided that the dates should be finalized by next year and should be somewhere between Dusshera and Diwali, but not on the day of Karva-Chauth. Care to be taken to see that the dates of the annual conference do not clash with other International Pediatric gastroenterology or important national pediatric meetings.
  • MMS Oration : It was unanimously decided that a team of 3 members (Prof S K Yachha, Dr Bhaskar Raju and Dr Sutapa Ganguly) will look after the issues of MMS oration for a period of 2 years (2019-2020). The team will lay down the eligibility criterion for oration which will be based on number of years of work in pediatric gastroenterology, number of publications, etc.From the year 2019, we will first ask for applications within a given time frame as per the current guidelines. Thereafter, in case there are no applications in the given time frame, then this team will elect a person and ask him/her to deliver the MMS oration. They will also select the orator in case of 1applicants for the oration.
  • ISPGHAN Mid Term And Other Conferences : Venue should preferably be in non metros because we seem to be catering to the same audience and we need to reach out to other parts of the country. Mono thematic meetings may be encouraged as a midterm meeting.All CMEs organized by the members should be endorsed by ISPGHAN before the first call and a small token of Rs 5000 should be paid to ISPGHAN.
  • ISPGHAN FELLOWSHIP : It was unanimously decided that the coordinator and lead for the ISPGHAN fellowship for the next 2 years will be Dr. Ashish Bavdekar.A core fellowship group consisting of -1 member from each fellowship centre/ President/secretary of ISPGHAN / 2 elected members who have experience in running teaching programs (Dr B R Thapa /Dr SK Yachha for the next 2 years and then it can be changed.) will decide on the program related issues like-
    1. Dates of exit and entry exams
    2. Duration of program 1 year or 2 years.
    3. Posting for 2-4weeks at other centers.
    4. Best fellow Prize to be given to the best candidate (as per the performance in the exit exam) during the annual conf.
    5. Other issues from centers offering fellowship program
    6. Log book (cases seen, case presentations, seminars or journal clubs discussed or presented, procedures seen, assisted and performed, publications during the tenure of fellowship)
  • EB member : As we are short of 1 EB member, applications were invited for a 5th member from the East zone. There were 3 applications – Dr. Sutapa Ganguly, Dr. Bhaswati and Dr. Srikant Pandey. Hence an election was conducted on separate ballot papers. The election officer (Dr Neelam Mohan) has declared the result that Dr Sutapa Ganguly has been elected for a term of 1 year i.e. until oct 2019 as EB member.
  • Updating and bringing out a Third edition of our Pediatric Gastroenterology Specialty Book. Dr Malathi has already received mail from President IAP, regarding this. However, it is already quite late to finish the book by January 2019, so it was decided that we should do this for next year. Dr. John Mathai and Dr. Ashish Bavdekar will be the Chief Editors along with 2 associate editors (to be decided), and will discuss this with central IAP
  • ISPGHAN Bulletin : Everyone was of the opinion that we should start a bulletin for the organization on a quarterly basis which may later take the form of a journal. A 4 page on-line bulletin may include messagef from the President, Secretary and Editor, One Review/Practice guidelines/Approach, One case report, 2 important abstracts published in some journal (Pedgastro elsewhere), important news (awards received by members, other events) and photos. The following names were proposed to lead this work for next 1 year:
    1. Dr. Shrish Bhatnagar – will be the lead person
    2. Dr. Rajeev Khanna
    3. Dr. Rishi Bolia
    4. Dr. Yogesh Waikar
  • Registry for Rare Pediatric Gastroenterology and hepatology diseases : GBM asked for volunteers to come forward for this work. We have yet not received any names for this.
  • Multicentre projects : IBD feedback was given by Dr Malathi/Anshu. It was discussed that participating centers need to speed up the process of filling the IBD proforma. It was decided that all members will be asked to complete this by Dec end 2018, so that results can be analyzed by mid of next year Work on ALF project: Dr. Ashish Bavdekar and Dr Neelam Mohan showed a proforma which will be circulated for approval.
  • ISPGHAN Website : Dr. Vishnu Biradar gave a presentation for revival of our website. He proposed to completely shelve off the older one and bring out a new user-friendly website which will have option for member registration, online conference presentations and videos, membership information, society guidelines and newsletters. He also proposed for a user-friendly app for day to day discussion about the cases. The budget proposed was Rs 200,000/- for first 4 years, and then subsequently Rs 20,000/- per year. As per the ISPGHAN bank balance, it was decided to spend this much amount to revive the website. Dr. Anupam also proposed to have ISPGHAN facebook page and YouTube links to give a better face for the organization. It was also decided that the option of some pharma contribution for the website should be kept open.
  • The following members were unanimously elected to take care of the website:
    1. Dr Srinivas S
    2. Dr. Rajeev Khanna
    3. Dr. Vishnu Biradar
    4. Dr. Barath J
  • Efforts to raise money for the ISPGHAN : In view of paucity of funds, it was decided that there is a dire need to generate funds for the society. It was proposed that there should be a plan of action, involve companies and form a committee to look into this. A 5 member committee was proposed to look into this aspect:
    1. Dr. John Mathai
    2. Dr. Anupam Sibal
    3. Dr. Neelam Mohan
    4. President ISPGHAN (Dr. Malathi S)
    5. Secretary ISPGHAN (Dr. Anshu S)
  • Should ISPGHAN be made a non-profit charitable society as this will allow us to reduce the taxes paid by the society. It was decided that as the amount of tax paid at the moment is relatively low, so we should remain non-charitable as of now. If in future the income of society increases significantly, we can think about this later.
  • Audit of Accounts : Dr Srinivas gave a small presentation on the audit of ISPGHAN account. He also declared that they will be contributing a sum of Rs 1lac from the meeting held in Chennai in August 2018.Dr Naresh Shanmugam has donated the royalty of his book on Intensive care for children with liver disorders to the ISPGHAN.
  • Payment to Central IAP for organizing the meetings : Most of our conferences are organized in association with the local IAP and their logo is used for the announcements and inauguration. Therefore the organizing secretary of the forthcoming conferences will coordinate with the IAP of that state in case they are using the IAP logo. The state IAP or district IAP will need to send the due amount of Rs 5000 to CIAP according to the rules of IAP.
  • Acceptance of papers for the annual meeting : We should have an upper limit on the number of accepted papers based on merit. Oral papers: 16 (GI plenary-6, liver plenary-6, Mittal ward-4) Posters: Of all the posters received, 20 best posters will be selected on the basis of scientific content and these will be labeled as “posters of distinction”. The presenters of these 20 posters will be given free accommodation by the organizing team.


    It was discussed and decided that first there is need to relook at other society guidelines and then formulate after issuing circulation to everyone in a defined timeline.
    The Committee suggested no change in the exam fees. The Institute who enrolled the candidate has to deposit fees 2 months before the exit exam. Certificate can’t be issued without paying the fee. The exit exam fees should be kept as same. The two institutes (SGRH &KEM) who have successfully conducted the exit exam of two students should be asked to pay the amount.
  • To discuss whether there is a need for a workshop at all in the annual meeting.It was decided that we should not have live workshops at the annual or local meetings.
    The house discussed the point, different views expressed by the members but there was no unanimous consensus whether ISPGHAN can provide a letter to Dr. Prasanth. He has to sort this out at the local (State) level. This needs to be discussed further.
  • Standard Operative Procedures for Conferences : What to do? How to proceed? Who should make the scientific programme? SOP regarding evaluation of abstracts To whom the abstracts should be sent? What is the criteria for unbiased expert / panel? How should the abstracts be scored – marking criteria should be different for written and presented papers. Prize money in various categories: should it be standardized with a 10-20% increase every 2-3 years.Everything has been done previously and need to revisit and revise in a time-line of 3 months.
    The Committee discussed and recommended that foreign students can apply for ISPGHAN Fellowship provided they have MCI certification for eligibility qualification.
    SOPs, member’s names, contact details, photos and recommendations and guidelines should be uploaded on the website. Need to form a new website committee. As per unanimous consensus, the new website committee members formulated are Dr. Vishnu Biradar, Dr. J Bharat, Dr. Rajeev Khanna. Whatever has to be posted on the website by these members should be first approved by the President and Secretary.
    As per unanimous consensus, Dr. Abha Nagral’s offer to hold ISPGHAN 2018 at Mumbai was approved. Similarly, ISPGHAN 2019 was approved to be held at Chennai organised by Dr. Naresh Shanmugam’s offer. Decision about Dr. R. K. Gupta’s offer to hold ISPGHAN 2020 at Jaipur is withheld till next GBM.
    It was decided to keep the Award money (3 lac) for fixed deposit and then this FD account should be connected with the ISPGHAN account. The cash award should be given out of the interest amount generated from this sum. It was opined that we should try to give more awards out of this.
    President: Dr. Malathi Sathiyasekaran, Chennai (Unanimously elected)Secretary: Dr. Anshu Srivastava, Lucknow (Unanimously elected)

Executive Members :

  • Dr. Vishnu Biradar, Pune
  • Dr. Rajeev Khanna, Delhi
  • Dr. Deepak Goyal, Delhi
  • Dr. Anurag Tomar, Jaipur

Treasurer : Dr. Nirmala, Chennai

Joint Treasurer : Dr. Srinivas, Chennai

There is no option of co-opted membership.

Dr Sutapa and Dr Bhaswati submitted Rs 75,000- to the ISPGHAN bank account

Dr. Prasanth KP submitted a cheque of ₹ 10000/- to ISPGHAN account.


  • ISPGHAN FELLOWSHIP IN PEDIATRIC GASTROENTEROLOGY:Following amendment proposed in the process of entrance examination of the ISPGHAN fellowship was passed unanimously by the house.
    Under the clause of “Modality of Entrance examination”
  1. Point 1 : No change
  2. Point 2 : mentioned previously in the guideline should be deleted. Amendment: “Each nodal centre formulates/ prepares and conducts Part I: MCQ based examination and Part II: written departmental test to assess practical skills (no interview/ viva) at their (nodal) levels”. Each nodal center selects the candidates on merit as per defined eligibility criteria and ISPGHAN approved seats. Each nodal center will inform details of selected and waitlisted candidates including copies of filled application forms with enclosures of copies of certificates along with marks obtained to ISPGHAN secretary for records not later than August 31 of each calendar year. No candidate outside the list will be eligible for admission to fellowship program.
  3. Point 3 : No change

In view of difficulty expressed by ISPGHAN approved centres that some seats remain vacant in August session the matter was deliberated by GBM. To this effect a way out to fill this gap was proposed by Dr S K Yachha. “in case of seats remaining vacant for fellowship course at any approved centre entrance examination for fellowship courses for the vacant seat can be held in the month of December of that calendar year with the course beginning in January of next year without increase in seats approved for the centre. This should be done as per the norms approved by ISPGHAN including a fresh advertisement for that vacant seat only”

The above decision was unanimously approved by GBM. Each centre will have separate examination. Students who have qualified at any approved one centre can appear for interview at another centre. No student can be admitted without appearing for written entrance examination.

  • ISPGHAN MEMBERSHIP FEES : It was decided that ISPGHAN life membership fees would be INR 1500 for those
    registering upto July, 2017. The life membership fees would be INR 3000 for those registering from August, 2017 onwards. There would be no refund for those who have already registered.
  • CME/ CONFERENCE FEE TO PAY TO ISPGHAN : The house constituted a committee to look into the matter and submit its recommendation: Prof B R Thapa, Dr John Mathai, Dr Malathi, Prof SK Yachha and Prof. Seema Alam as the committee members.
  • Dr Bhanu Pillai from Kerala had put up an agenda stating “if state chapters of ISPGHAN can be made.” It was decided to formulate a committee comprising Dr John Matthai, Dr R K Gupta and Dr Sutapa Ganguly as the members who will submit their recommendations and guidelines if any for deliberation in the next GBM.
    It was decided to modify the existing gastro modules of IAP and prepare new gastro modules of ISPGHAN.
  • MEHTA-MITTAL- SANKARNARAYAN ORATION : The method of selecting awardees for the oration was discussed. It was decided to continue with the current protocol of first inviting applications and then selection by the review board.
  • “CP MITTAL YOUNG INVESTIGATOR AWARD” : Dr Naveen Mittal presented a cheque of INR three lakhs to ISPGHAN as a research fund for this particular academic activity to enhance talent. An announcement of call for full papers will be done by ISPGHAN six months before the annual conference. The award paper will be selected by a review board. The selected paper will be presented at the plenary session in the annual ISPGHAN conference and a cash award will be given out of the interest amount generated from this sum.
  • CLINICAL PRACTICE GUIDELINES ON CELIAC DISEASE AND EHPVO : Clinical practice guidelines will be prepared on celiac disease and EHPVO. Dr SK Yachha will head the task force for formulating guidelines on EHPVO. Dr BR Thapa will head the task force for formulating guidelines on celiac disease.


Meeting started with welcome by Dr. S K Yachha. Minutes are as below :

  • AP Gastro module — Dr. John briefed that 10 CMEs were already done and 15 are planned in next 2 months. Current program would stop by 25™ general there was good feed back by the participants at all places and the modules were felt to be useful in day to day practice.Dr. S K Yachha thanked Dr. John for the commendable job of getting the modules prepared and coordinating with IAP for conducting CMEs pan India.Dr. Seema suggested to plan CMEs in more needy states/districts.Dr. John stated that the module shall be used under IAP banner till Dec 2015 after which ISPGHAN can conduct the activity on its own as the scientific content belongs to ISPGHAN
  • ISPGHAN Constipation guideline – Dr. Lalit briefed about the recently conducted meeting in Jaipur to formulate the constipation guideline. Dr. Yachha suggested a time of 2 months for the manuscript to be submitted to the participants for their final review and then to send for publication in another 1 month time. Apart from publication in Indian Pediatrics, it was discussed to prepare a booklet to be distributed to the pediatrician of the country which can be a sponsored activity.
  • Research Collaboration -— Two areas for research identified and thecoordinators nominated for same includes — ALF -— Dr. Neelam / Dr. Ashish IBD — Dr. Malathi/ Dr. Anshu
  • Dr. S K Yachha announced that the previous year ISPGHAN Resolution on Certain special feeding formulations and Drugs was endorsed by INASL, IAP and ISG and is to be submitted to Govt. of India. This job was cntrusted to Dr.Yachha and Dr.Neelam for further action and follow -up.
  • Ped GE Fellowship- Executive body passed 1 year fellowship resolution with a plan to start in Aug every year. Entry and exit examination to be held by ISPGHAN. Dr. Anupam Sibal suggested starting fellowship in Jan, but majority felt starting in August has advantage as DM and others entrance examination’s are already over by then and the possibility of the drop out will be less.
  • CSO — Appreciation of CSO by ISPGHAN
  • Membership appraisal — Applications of 66 members were approved by GBM as life members. All existing Ped. Gastro members to become ISPGHAN members by payment of membership fees of Rs 1000 till 31° July, 2016 and after that Rs 3000. Dr. John suggested to put up an advertisement in Indian Pediatrics so that the message reaches all preexisting Ped Gastro members. New membership shall be as per constitution.Dr. Neelam informed that nearly 600 Ped Gastro Chapter members have been sent communication to this effect.
  • Online membership form proposal by Dr. Srinivas — People can fill the form with registration fee and receive an autoreply that the application is in process. Secretary to assess the qualification, proposer and seconder and approve or reject and refund by cheque.
  • Amendment in constitution — passed to postpone GBM date to 31” Dec of every year
  • Dr Srinivas submitted Financial audit. A FD of 5 lac was informed to everyone. .
  • CAPGAN — Everyone thanked Dr. Neelam for her efforts to organize CAPGAN meeting that was a great success.
  • Election result: Dr. Anshu announced the election results. The following office bearers were elected unanimously for next 2 calendar years(Jan, 2016 to 31 Dec 2017). Dr. B R Thapa — President Dr. Seema Alam — Secretary Dr. Srinivas—Treasurer | Jk Treatimen- Ur’r mala Dr. Naresh Shanmugam, Dr. Barath, Dr. Nishant, Dr. Moinak Sen and Dr. Narayan as EB members
  • .Dr. Naveen Mittal had submitted a proposal to introduce an award to boost| science in India through research and he desired it to be named as “Chandra Prakash Mittal award” and to this effect he would contribute one time sum of Rs. 3 lacs. The GB approved the agenda and decided to name the award as “Chandra Prakash Mittal Plenary session award” from the year 2016. The Session will be conducted in annual conference every year. The modalities of the award will be decided further. The ISPGHAN will deposit this money in FD under their account and the award money will be paid from the interest generated from FD.
  • Dr. Naresh Shanmugam announced that the “Advanced Pediatric Nutrition Course” structured module will be ready in 8-9 months and the topics have been allotted.
  • Dr. Neelam thanked everyone who did ISPGHAN associated meetings — total 5 in past 1 year ( Dr. Seema — CSPLD, Dr. S K Mittal — Mid term, Dr. Natwar — MGM hospital, Jaipur, and team Apollo — KVO course)
  • Dr. Neelam announced a motility workshop in Medanta in early 2016 — by Dr. Manu Sood, Dr. Anshu and Dr. Sakshi
  • The next Conference (ISPGHAN 2016) was agreed to be done in Kolkatta with Dr. Bhaswati Acharya as organizing secretary and Dr. Sutapa Ganguly as
  • Jaipur group (Dr. R.K.Gupta, Dr. Lalit Bharadia and Dr. Natwar Paliwal) also expressed their desire to do the next ISPGHAN Conference 2017 which will be finalized in the next GBM.



(Registered under The Tamil Nadu Societies Registration Act, 1975, Sl No-361of 2013)

Minutes of the GBM of ISPGHAN September 20, 2014, Kochi

  • It was decided that minutes of GBM should be circulated to every member within 3 to 4 weeks of meeting. Any objections received within another 2 weeks are recorded should be taken up for discussion in the next GBM. If no objections are received within this stipulated time period of 2 weeks the minutes stand passed.
  • ACTION TAKEN REPORT OF PREVIOUS GBM held in Pune, September, 2013 was discussed.
    1. Dr Ashish Bavdekar informed that syllabus and guidelines of “Fellowship of Pediatric Gastroenterology under the auspices of ISPGHAN” has not been formulated. Dr Yachha President of ISPGHAN assured the house that this will be done within a month from now and circulated for initiation at different centers in India.
    2. Members raised the issue of poor communication. A limitation of limited communication was explained by Dr Neelam Mohan secretary. Remedial steps were discussed and will be implemented at an earliest by getting e-addresses registered.
  • MINUTES OF EXECUTIVE BODY MEETING ( EBM) HELD ON 19 JULY, 2014 AT GURGAONMembers were apprised with the decisions/new initiatives. Amendments/ suggestions from GB members were sought and if agreed were incorporated as are mentioned below :
  • REGISTRATION MEMBERSHIP FORM HAS BEEN DESIGNED WITH FULL DETAILS : Form is now ready with the Secretary. It was decided that Secretary should send this form to all existing members as an attachment and collect the forms filled. In addition the form to be uploaded on the ISPGHAN website with the caption of “How to become a member?” Form should also contain an additional line of fee of Rs. 1000 (Rs. One thousand only) for existing members of Pediatric Gastroenterology Chapter of IAP till July 31st 2016. Registration number of ISPGHAN to be allotted only after form is filled and registration fee realized in the account. Online membership is not feasible immediately as agreed by everyone. Receipt book to give receipt to members who submit registration fee is ready with Secretary. Receipt need to contain ISPGHAN stamp. All membership fees to be submitted to secretary who shall issue receipts.
  • NEWLY DESIGNED LOGO OF ISPGHAN : GBM was informed that the Society Logo has been registered as a trade mark. GBM approved the same.
  • WEBSITE : A new domain obtained. The website to be managed by “First online India “ company.

Responsibility of material to be uploaded on website was given to a committee comprising of Dr. Malathi, Dr. Vidyut and Dr. Yogesh.

Dr. Vidyut to provide reading materials for parents and various newsletters of Society and CSO.

Dr. Yogesh to provide recently published articles/abstracts/link by our members and other relevant articles on a quarterly basis.

Dr. Malathi to review the content and finally before uploading the content to be circulated to the EB members for their information and suggestion if any. If no comments in 7 days, it to be uploaded on website.

FUNDS : Funds of Pediatric subspecialty stand transferred to ISPGHAN account. Efforts made by Dr Ashish Bavdekar were greatly appreciated. Rs. 5.0 lacs to be made as a fixed deposit of the total funds available at present in ISPGHAN account to increase generation of increased income as interest. This was approved by GBM.

“MEHTA, MITTAL, SANKARANARAYANAN” Oration was approved after deliberations. This will be given annually to a Pediatric Gastroenterologist who has contributed significantly to the field in India. Guidelines for the award were approved. Applications for the award to be announced in July every year

NUTRITION : It was proposed by Dr. Yachha to incorporate Nutrition related topics in subsequent meetings and agreed by all.

ISPGHAN activities proposed for next year:

  1. 1. Practice guideline on constipation- funded by ISPGHAN. Dr. Lalit Bharadia volunteered to host the meeting in Jaipur.
  2. 2. Collaborative research on ALF and IBD was approved. Guideline approved to this effect to be circulated along with call for proposals by the secretary.

CERTIFICATE COURSE IN ADVANCED PEDIATRIC NUTRITION PROPOSED BY DR. NARESH SHANMUGAM : Agreed by the house. Dr. Naresh to coordinate for first 2 years followed by rotation to other members/ centers. Further action/ modifications will be done by the Society


It was decided to encourage Ped Gastro meeting in several states under the banner of ISPGHAN in association with the local IAP Chapter.


Availability of a) Special formulas b). Drugs: Trientine and NTBC in India considering the utmost need to salvage Indian infants and children. The resolution was passed by GBM. Dr. S K Yachha to get this endorsed by other allied societies for onward submission to appropriate authorities of Government of India.

Dr. S K Mittal stressed upon need for having a guideline on Gluten-free standards in India. House felt to have a separate resolution passed on the same in next meeting.





  • ISPGHAN NEXT ANNUAL MEETING :  Dr. Neelam shall be hosting next CAPGAN meeting on 2-4 October, 2015 in Delhi. It was agreed by EB members to club ISPGHAN meet with CAPGAN for the sake of convenience. ISPGHAN activities including research awards and Oration etc will be retained with one day completely dedicated for this activity.
  • CONSTITUTION AMENDMENT :  It was earlier decided to postpone the time of Annual GBM from existing 30 Sep to 31st Dec of every year. Since this involves a prior correspondence, it could not be done in this meeting. Dr. Neelam to look at the constitution and accordingly circulate a mail suggesting the amendment so that it can be agreed upon in the next GBM. Meanwhile Dr. Srinivas to check the constitution and accordingly submit late fees since next GBM shall be only after 30 September (on 2-4 Oct meeting)
  • Dr. Neelam to hire a secretary to work for ISPGHAN part time (2 hour/day) after the routine office hours to facilitate regular communication to the members. A honorarium of Rs 5000/month for next 1 year was agreed upon by the EB members for the secretary. She could be paid directly by Jt. Treasurer Dr. Srinivas by CHEQUE OR Bank transfer.
  • Dr. Neelam to spend for stationary as cash and get it reimbursed from Jt. Treasurer against valid receipts.
  • For ease of operability, Secretary to authorize Dr. Nirmala (based in Chennai) to sign on cheque on her behalf.
  • A new mail Id has been created for ISPGHAN Secretariat.-



Minutes of the GBM of ISPGHAN September 28, 2013, Pune

(Registered under The Tamil Nadu Societies Registration Act, 1975, Sl No-361of 2013)


This started with announcement as the last meeting of Ped Gastro Chapter of IAP and First meeting of ISPGHAN

Dr. Ashish Bavdekar read the minutes of last meeting held in Lucknow last year


Procuring details of Ped Gastro members address: Dr. Neelam has sent 3 reminders to IAP office bearers requesting same, however not received the same from IAP. List of members is available on ISPGHAN website, however latest address is lacking

Dr. Neelam was requested to make a hard copy of Ped Gastro Members directory.


Website committee formed earlier (Dr. Malathi, Dr. Srinivas, Dr. Yogesh Waikar and Dr. Vidyut Bhatia) to upload guidelines/consensus/abstract. Dr. S K Mittal suggested to provide link to publications made by society members for information and benefit of others. Dr. John Mathai suggested to put all abstracts and proceedings on the website. Dr. Dinesh Banur suggested to put parents information column in the website.


Dr. Neelam was requested to circulate the current guidelines for Fellowship/training in Ped Gastro under IAP banner. It was felt that these guidelines should be in sync with MCI guidelines /DNB guidelines for training in Ped Gastro.

House agreed for 1 year fellowship under ISPGHAN and MD or equivalent to be eligible for same. On Dr. S K Mittal suggestion a three member team of ISPGHAN (Dr. V S Shankarnarayanan, Dr. S K Yachha and Dr. S K Mittal) were nominated for a committee to help develop Guidelines for Fellowship.

Dr. V S Shankarnarayanan however expressed that he is in the process of assisting DNB for formulation of guidelines and wanted to make everyone aware of the same.


Everyone applauded efforts of Dr. Shrish to manage the email group.


Dr. Sushma briefed about the activities held under CSO banner in past 1 year and everyone appreciated the work done

Dr. S K Mittal suggested everyone in different geographical areas to report cases so that CSO can convince Government about Celiac disease being Pan India Issue and help get Gluten Free products available at a cheaper rate. A need for registry of Celiac disease was felt by most.


A new 3 member to be formed as per constitution


To be conducted in Delhi by Dr. S K Mittal


Dr. Shiela Bhave election process. Following were elected unopposed:

Dr. S K Yachha – President

Dr. Neelam Mohan – Secretary

Dr. Shrish Bhatnagar(UP) – Executive member

Dr. Raj Kumar Gupta (Raj) – Executive member

Dr. Gautam(WB) – Executive member

To have a pan India presence, Dr. Lalit Bharadia (Raj) who had filled his nomination for Executive member, volunteered to be the Treasurer which created 2 vacant seats for Executive member. Dr. Vidyut Bhatia (New Delhi) and Dr. Nirmal ( TN) were nominated by the house for the same.

Dr. Srinivas (TN) was nominated as Jt. Treasurer


Narrated by Dr. Ashish Bavdekar. It was decided to transfer the entire amount (Rs. 7.65 lacs) to the ISPGHAN account in Chennai and close the chapter account in Pune. Account last audited in March 2013.

Dr. Srinivas was requested to open the society account in a Bank in Chennai and apply for a PAN card.


Following amendments were felt to be done in the Constitution and decided to proceed as per by laws

  1. Change GBM by 30 Sep of every year to 31st Dec of every year
  2. Subsequent election should aim for Executive members from different zones
  3. Add a post for Editor of Newsletter
  4. Add Nutritionist category in the membership

All office bearers were requested to go through the Memorandum.


John Mathai suggested transferring existing members into ISPGHAN for 3 years (till 31st Dec 2016). After this period members can extend their membership to life membership by paying a fee of Rs 1000.

New members shall be recruited into one of the following categories as per the constitution with following fees in bracket– Life (Rs. 3000), Associate Life (Rs. 2000), Affiliate Foreign (100 $), Elected and Allied health member.

Application form for membership to be prepared by Dr. Neelam and to be uploaded on website.


Dr. Pawan Rawal suggested – Common performa of the disease to be prepared and uploaded on the website


Dr. Geeta was encouraged to carry on Newsletter work. Till this is done, faculty talks could be uploaded on website as suggested by Dr. Barath. It was decided to have a Newsletter committee of 3-4 people.

The GBM concluded with thanks to everyone and best wishes to the newly elected body.

SECRETARY – ISPGHAN (2013 – 2015)