
About Us

Indian society of pediatric gastroenterology, hepatology and nutrition (ISPGHAN) is largest body of pediatric gastroenterologist, hepatologist and dieticians in India.

The society was formed to provide and promote knowledge on Gastrointestinal, liver and nutrition related problems with specific focus on Indian children.

ISPGHAN also supports education and research via teaching programms

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President Message


Secretary Message


Secretary Message


Dr. M S Viswanathan
Secretary, ISPGHAN 2024-2025

President Message

Dear Members and Colleagues,

As I take the chair of the ISPGHAN President for the next two years, I realize that ISPGHAN as a society is so relevant for Pediatricians, Pediatric Gastroenterologists and Pediatric Hepatologists apart from those working in Pediatric nutrition in the country and all over the world. ISPGHAN is poised to become a large, also multinational, best in class in house medical team. We are a team that aims to give ample opportunity to learn, teach, mentor, train and share top quality medical advise available anywhere in the world.

The country for the good or bad is going through innumerable changes: social, political, economic, technological and scientific. The medical landscape is forever changing with advancing technology becoming more freely available in the country. In a way the medical landscape is becoming more complex to our fraternity who needs guidance to simplify this landscape. The simplification of this landscape will help the understanding of the gastrointestinal & liver diseases and help our mission to provide cost effective management for all. And while managing, we should have a plan for future quality of life of the patient. Remember we are not doing good for the patient if posttransplant the child doesn’t go to school or can not lead a meaningful life. Hence it should be the foremost mandate of ISPGHAN as a society to understand, teach, train and provide cost effective management for all. Our second equally important mandate should be our responsibility towards providing meaningful quality of life for our patients.

I must congratulate the members and those at the helm of works for the leaps and bounds the society has grown in the last decade. The efforts on training of the fellows and development of the members are commendable. It is time we now launch the efforts to provide data and literature on diseases present locally. For the sake of publication of a stronger evidence backed data, we should collaborate in multicentric studies and national level registries for various diseases.


Thank you everyone

Dr. Seema Alam
President – ISPGHAN
Prof Pediatric Hepatology
Department of Pediatric Hepatology
Institute of Liver and Biliary Sciences
D 1 Vasant Kunj
New Delhi 110070
M +919540951008